Monday, February 29, 2016

The center of gravity

A very useful concept in astronomy is Center of Gravity (AKA CG or CM, Center of Mass - they are usually the same point).  

Recall the demo with the mass on a stick.  Same mass, held at a further distance from the "fulcrum", is harder to support.  It twists your wrist more - it requires a greater "torque".

So, what is torque?

Torque - a "rotating" force

T = F L

Note that this is sometimes referred to as "moment" or "leverage".

For an object to be "in equilibrium," not only must the forces be balanced, but the torques must also be balanced.

Consider a basic see-saw, initially balanced at the fulcrum:  See image below.

You can have two people of different weight balanced, if their distances are adjusted accordingly:  the heavier person is closer to the fulcrum.  

Mathematically, this requires that the torques be equal on both sides.

Consider two people, 100 lb and 200 lb.  The 100 lb person is 3 feet from the fulcrum.  How far from the fulcrum must the 200 lb person sit, to maintain equilibrium?
Torque on left = Torque on right

100 (3) = 200 (x)

x = 1.5 feet

We call the "balance point" the center of mass (or center of gravity).  

It is the point about which the object best rotates.
It is the average location of mass points on the object.
It does not HAVE to be physically on the object - think of a doughnut.

The principle is believed to originate with Archimedes (287 - 212 BC).  He is believed to have said, "Give me a place to stand on, and I will move the Earth."

What does this have to do with astronomy?  Well, objects orbit around the common center of gravity of the system.  Typically, this is near the center of the star, but with binary star systems, the CG is at some point between them.


Newton's take on orbits was quite different. For him, Kepler's laws were a manifestation of the bigger "truth" of universal gravitation. That is:

All bodies have gravity unto them. Not just the Earth and Sun and planets, but ALL bodies (including YOU). Of course, the gravity for all of these is not equal. Far from it. The force of gravity can be summarized in an equation:

F = G m1 m2 / d^2

or.... the force of gravitation is equal to a constant ("big G") times the product of the masses, divided by the distance between them (between their centers, to be precise) squared.

Big G = 6.67 x 10^-11 *, which is a tiny number - therefore, you need BIG masses to see appreciable gravitational forces.  This number, the universal gravitation constant, can be thought of as a way of relating mass and distance to force, and arriving at measurable force values.

(Note that the unit for this quantity is Nm^2/kg^2 -- the result of this is that the unit for force works out to be a newton, which is roughly 1/4 of a pound.)

This is an INVERSE SQUARE law, meaning that:

- if the distance between the bodies is doubled, the force becomes 1/4 of its original value
- if the distance is tripled, the force becomes 1/9 the original amount
- etc.


Weight is a result of local gravitation. Since F = G m1 m2 / d^2, and the force of gravity (weight) is equal to m g, we can come up with a simple expression for local gravity (g):

g = G m(planet) / d^2

Likewise, this is an inverse square law. The further you are from the surface of the Earth, the weaker the gravitational acceleration. With normal altitudes, the value for g goes down only slightly, but it's enough for the air to become thinner (and for you to notice it immediately!).

Note that d is the distance from the CENTER of the Earth - this is the Earth's radius, if you're standing on the surface.

If you were above the surface of the earth an amount equal to the radius of the Earth, thereby doubling your distance from the center of the Earth, the value of g would be 1/4 of 9.8 m/s/s. If you were 2 Earth radii above the surface, the value of g would be 1/9 of 9.8 m/s/s.

The value of g also depends on the mass of the planet. The Moon is 1/4 the diameter of the Earth and about 1/81 its mass. You can check this but, this gives the Moon a g value of around 1.7 m/s/s. For Jupiter, it's around 25 m/s/s.


Newton is also remembered for his "laws of motion."

Newton, Philosophiae naturalis principia mathematica (1687) Translated by Andrew Motte (1729)

Newton's 3 laws of motion:

1.  Every body perseveres in its state of rest, or of uniform motion in a right line, unless it is compelled to change that state by forces impressed thereon.

2.  The alteration of motion is ever proportional to the motive force impressed; and is made in the direction of the right line in which that force is impressed.

3.  To every action there is always opposed an equal reaction; or the mutual actions of two bodies upon each other are always equal, and directed to contrary parts.

In simpler language:

1.  A body will continue doing what it is doing unless there is REASON for it to do otherwise.  It will continue in a straight line at a constant velocity, unless something changes that motion.  This idea is often referred to as INERTIA.

2.  The second law is trickier:

An unbalanced force (F) causes a mass (m) to accelerate (a).  Recalling that acceleration means how rapidly a body changes its speed (in meters per second per second, or m/s/s):

F = m a

There is a new unit here:  the kg m/s/s - this is called a newton (N)

Note that a larger force gives a larger acceleration.  However, with a constant force - the larger the mass is the smaller the acceleration.  Imagine pushing me on a skateboard vs. pushing a small child with the same force - who would accelerate more rapidly?

3.  To every action there is always opposed an equal reaction.

You move forward by pushing backward on the Earth - the Earth, in turn, pushes YOU forward.

A rocket engine pushes hot gases backward - the gases, in turn, push the rocket forward.

If you fire a rifle or pistol, the firearm "kicks" back on you.

Friday, February 19, 2016

Copernicus, Galileo, and Kepler

Nicolaus Copernicus, 1473 - 1543

Galileo Galilei, 1564 - 1642

Galileo and his telescope:

moon craters
moons of Jupiter
phases of Venus
"rings" of Saturn
stars in the Milky Way

Johannes Kepler, 1571-1630

Kepler's laws of planetary motion

Note that these laws apply equally well to all orbiting bodies (moons, satellites, comets, etc.)

1. Planets take elliptical orbits, with the Sun at one focus. (If we were talking about satellites, the central gravitating body, such as the Earth, would be at one focus.) Nothing is at the other focus. Recall that a circle is the special case of the ellipse, wherein the two focal points are coincident. Some bodies, such as the Moon, take nearly circular orbits - that is, the eccentricity is very small.

2. The Area Law. Planets "sweep out" equal areas in equal times. See the applets for pictorial clarification. This means that in any 30 day period, a planet will sweep out a sector of space - the area of this sector is the same, regardless of the 30 day period. A major result of this is that the planet travels fastest when near the Sun.

3. The Harmonic Law. Consider the semi-major axis of a planet's orbit around the Sun - that's half the longest diameter of its orbit. This distance (a) is proportional to the amount of time to go around the Sun in a very peculiar fashion:

a^3 = T^2

That is to say, the semi-major axis CUBED (to the third power) is equal to the period (time) SQUARED. This assumes that we choose convenient units:

- the unit of a is the Astronomical Unit (AU), equal to the semi-major axis of Earth's orbit (approximately the average distance between Earth and Sun). This is around 150 million km or around 93 million miles

- the unit of time is the (Earth) year

The image below calls period P (rather than T), but the meaning is the same:

Example problem:  Consider an asteroid with a semi-major axis of orbit of 4 AU. We can quickly calculate that its period of orbit is 8 years (since 4 cubed equals 8 squared).

Likewise for Pluto: a = 40 AU. T works out to be around 250 years.

Note that for the equation to be an equality, the units MUST be AU and Earth years.


Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Some history of astronomy

Ancient science highlights:


From class:

The most important things to get out of this were:

- Epicycles were a very useful way to (wrongly) explain why retrograde motion happened with planets.

- Precession (the wobbling of the Earth) causes us to have different North Stars (or no North Star) at various points over the course of thousands of years.  Thus, star maps are not accurate after several hundred years.  However, this was not understood until the time of Newton and others.

2000 years later.....

Scientific Revolution

N. Copernicus, d. 1543
  De Revolutionibus Orbium Celestium

Galileo Galilei, 1564-1642
  Siderius Nuncius
  Dialogue on Two World Systems

(J. Kepler, C. Huygens, R. Descartes, et. al.)

Isaac Newton, 1642-1727

  Principia Mathematica, 1687

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Prepping for next Wednesday's quiz/quest


Big and little dippers
Great square of Pegasus

Celestial Sphere - points to know:

Both Equinoxes
Both Solstices
Celestial north
Celestial south
Celestial equator

Other things:

Daylight savings time
Approx longitude and latitude
Prime Meridian

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Thinking about velocity

Recall the basic definition of average velocity:

v = d/t

Units (in SI) are meters per second.

Here are some velocities to ponder....


Keep in mind that 1 m/s is approximately 2.25 miles/hour.

Your walking speed to class - 1-2 m/s
Running speed - 5-7 m/s
Car speed (highway) - 30 m/s
Professional baseball throwing speed - 45 m/s
Terminal velocity of skydiver - 55 m/s
Speed skiing - 60 m/s
Speed of sound (in air) - 340 m/s
Bullet speed (typical) - 900 m/s
Satellite speed (in orbit) - 6200 m/s
Escape velocity of Earth - 11,200 m/s
(That's around 7 miles per second, or 11.2 km/s)

What about.....
The Speed of light

Speed of light (in a vacuum) -

c = 299,792,458 m/s

This number is a physical constant, believed to be true everywhere in the universe. The letter c is used to represent the value being of constant celerity (speed).

By the way, it's hard to remember this exact number, and I wouldn't expect you to.  However, here are some approximations that may make it easier to keep it in mind.  The speed of light is approximately:

- 300,000,000 meters/sec

- 186,000 miles/sec

- 7 times around the Earth's equator in 1 second

- Out to the Moon in around 1 second (1.3 seconds is closer) - so, the Moon is approximately 1.3 "light seconds" away (on average)

- To the Sun in about 8 minutes - so, the Sun is approximately 8 "light-minutes" away (on average)

- To Mars in about 13 minutes, though this varies depending on the relative locations of Earth and Mars in their respective orbits

- To the nearest (non-Sun) star, actually a 3-star system (Alpha Centauri A and B, and Proxima Centauri) in 4.3 years.  Yes, YEARS.  So, that 3-star system is around 4.3 "light years" away from us.  And that's our closest neighbors!!  See why we don't get too far in space travel?

Monday, February 8, 2016

Lab 2

LAB 2 - Time and Space

In this lab, you will investigate several ways of keeping time in the universe. Measuring the passing of astronomical time is by no means a trivial task - keep that in mind, as you find the current time according to various websites. This lab is structured as a series of topics, followed by questions and suggested websites. Have fun, and take your time!

1.  Local Time

Give the current local time (whenever you are performing this lab).  Specify whether  we are on EST or EDT, and when (and how) this will change.

Interested in the time elsewhere? Try this:

2.  Universal Time and Greenwich Mean Time

UT is counted from 0 hours at midnight, with unit of duration the mean solar day, defined to be as uniform as possible despite variations in the rotation of the Earth. Find the current UT. The clock applet below may be helpful:

UT is very similar to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), though this term is not used often these days. Both are 5 hours ahead of EST. Is this currently true? If not, why not?  What is the current GMT?

3.  Longitude and Latitude
These quantities give the location on the surface of the semi-spherical Earth, by laying a grid atop it. Lines of longitude are measured with respect to the Prime Meridian. Find the longitude of your hometown: Lines of latitude are measured with respect to the equator. Find the latitude of your hometown.  Google maps may help.

4.  Julian Date (JD)
Julian Day Number is a count of days elapsed since Greenwich mean noon on 1 January 4713 B.C., Julian proleptic calendar. The Julian Date is the Julian day number followed by the fraction of the day elapsed since the preceding noon.

Find the current JD.
Find the JD of the time of your birth.

5.  Calendar
Which calendar do we currently use?
What calendar was this switched from, and when?
Why was the switch made?
Does all the world use the calendar we do? Explain.
When is the next leap year?
When was the last leap second added?

6.  Sidereal Time
ST is time based on duration of the Earth's rotation with respect to a point nearly fixed relative to the stars. Local Sidereal Time (LST) is computed from ST using a longitude correction. 

Find the current LST.

7.  The Lunar and Solar Cycles
Have a look at Determine (approximately) how the sunrise and sunset times change from day to day. Also determine how the moonrise and moonset times change daily.  What is the pattern, if there is one?

8.  Eclipses
Locate a source of upcoming lunar and solar eclipses.  Answer these questions:

Where and when is the next total solar eclipse?
Where and when is the next total lunar eclipse?

When will be the next total solar eclipse visible in North America?  Will there be more than one total solar eclipse visible in North America in your lifetime?

9.  Etcetera
Discuss any other times and/or calendars that are of interest to you.  Pick one calendar to discuss (at least for a paragraph or so).

Notes on Time

A discussion on Time:

The second is the fundamental unit of time. It was originally defined as: - the amount of time required for a 1-m pendulum to swing from one side of arc to the other

Now, it is defined as: 9 192 631 770 cycles of radiation corresponding to the transition between two hyperfine levels in the ground state of Cesium-133

Worth noting: There are approx 365 1/4 mean solar days in one solar year (watch time). The mean solar day is the average length of a solar day, 24 hours.

Solar year - the time between 2 vernal equinoxes. This is actually the tropical year, which is growing shorter by 0.5 sec/century. 1900 is the standard tropical year.

Sidereal time - time by the stars

Sidereal year - the amount of time for the Sun to return to a given position among stars


Julian - 365 days with an extra day every 4 years (leap year).
This was still a bit imprecise - consider that in 1988, the year was 365 d, 5 h, 48 min, 43.5 s. By 1582, the Julian calendar was out of phase with Easter by nearly 10 days. So, Pope Gregory XIII adopted a new calendar; 10 days were dropped from that year.

Gregorian calendar -
Years evenly divible by 4 are leap years. Every 4th century year is a leap year (2000, 2400; NOT 1600, 1700, 1800, 1900, 2100)

Daylight savings time

Changed a few years back. Now: DST Starts at 2 AM, second Sunday in March - set clocks AHEAD 1 hour
DST Ends at 2 AM, second Sunday in November - set clocks back

We are EST, Eastern Standard Time. During DST, we become EDT (Eastern daylight time).

Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) - 5 hours ahead of EST. Roughly the same as Universal Time (UT).

Universal time (UT)
Basically the mean solar time as measured on the Greenwich meridian, thus, 5 hours ahead of us. Formally, UT is defined by a mathematical formula as a function of sidereal time and is thus determined by observations of stars.

Sidereal time
In 365 1/4 solar days, Earth makes 366 1/4 rotations on its own axis. So, there are 366 1/4 sidereal days in a solar year. Each sidereal day is shorter by about 4 minutes than a solar day. UT and GST agree at one instant every year (at the autumnal equinox, around Sep 22). Thereafter, the difference between them grows, in the sense that ST runs faster than UT until exactly half a year later, when it is 12 hours. Another half-year later, the times again agree.

Local Sidereal Time - the hour angle of the first point of Aries

Greenwich Sidereal Time
local sidereal time on the Greenwich meridian

Julian Date (JD)
Jan 1, 4713 BC is the fundamental epoch from which this is decided. The Julian date is the number of days since this day.
There is no year 0 in astronomy. The year before 1 AD is defined as year 0. So, 10 BC is the year -9 in astronomy. That trick again: to go from BC year to astro year, subtract one and change sign.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Links from class today

Also, don't forget about the analemma and the related images.

Coordinate Systems

Celestial Sphere - points to know:

- Both Equinoxes
- Both Solstices
Celestial north
Celestial south
Celestial equator


On Earth:

half-circle lines from North to South pole
Zero longitude runs through the site of the Royal Greenwich Observatory in England - the Prime Meridian (0 degrees long.)
Number of degrees east or west of the PM

Full circle lines parallel to the equator (0 degrees latitude)
+ or - 90 degrees corresponds to the poles

International Date Line (IDL)
Near or along 180 degrees longitude line, through the Pacific Ocean
As we travel eastward around the globe, the hours get later roughly each 15 degrees (a time zone). When we cross the IDL, we go BACK one day. This keeps only 24 hours on the Earth at a time.

In the Sky:

Celestial Equator - imaginary line above the Earth's equator

Right Ascension (RA)
Celestial analog of longitude (both measure east-west)
Measured in hours (each hour of RA equals 15 degrees) along the celestial equator

Declination (dec)
Celestial analog of latitude (both measure north-south)
Measured perpendicularly above (+) or below (-) the celestial equator

RA and dec form a coordinate system fixed to the stars. To observers on Earth, the stars appear to revolve every 23 h 56 min. So, the coordinate system appears to revolve at the same rate. Of course, it is the Earth which is really moving (most noticeably).

Although the stars are fixed in their positions in the sky, the Sun's position varies through the whole range of RA throughout the year. This path (the "apparent" path of the Sun) is called the ecliptic and is inclined 23.5 degrees with respect to the celestial equator (CE), since the Earth's axis is tipped by that amount. (The "ecliptic plane" is the plane that the Earth and Sun make.)

The ecliptic and CE cross at two points:

Vernal equinox
March 21 (approx)
the first day of Northern Hemisphere spring
the zero-point of RA
Sun's declination is 0 degrees
Nearly equal amounts of day and night

Autumnal equinox
Sep 23 (approx)
the first day of autumn
Sun's declination at 0 degrees
Nearly equal amounts of day and night

Two other noteworthy days:
Winter solstice
Dec 22 (approx)
Shortest day of the year in Northern hemisphere
9.5 h of daylight (in the DC area)
As you travel farther north, the days are even shorter
- in Anchorage, Alaska, the day will be 5 h long
- in Barrow, Alaska, the sun will not "come out" at all; noontime is like deep twilight
the North pole is angled most steeply away from the Sun

Summer solstice
June 21 (approx)
longest day of the year in the Northern hemisphere
amount of tipping toward Sun is greatest for N. hemisphere
Sun highest in sky (dec is 23.5 degrees)

Length of daylight depends on latitude, calendar date, but not longitude
Each point on the globe receives an average of 12 hours of light each day. So, students in Barrow, Alaska have several days of endless sunshine as well.

Since the Moon goes around the Earth, its RA changes through the entire range of values each month. Since its orbit is inclined to the CE, its dec also changes.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

The celestial sphere

For next class, do a little reading about the celestial sphere - maybe even play with the first website below.  If you have time, also look into "circumpolar stars".

Celestial Sphere

Celestial sphere sites

The first site allows you to simulate the apparent motion of the Sun around the Earth for any day of the year (and location).  It's really cool to play around with.